Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Making Technology Part of your Back-To-School Planning

Making Technology Part of your Back-to-School Planning |

By Dave L. Edyburn, Ph.D.

For many families, the back-to-school season means shopping for school supplies and new clothes. As it gets closer to the first day of school, for a young child it means watching the mailbox for a letter from his new teacher, or for older students it means going to school to register and pick up their schedule.

With all the excitement of the annual back-to-school rituals, technology is often overlooked. However, thinking about technology tools and supports can facilitate the back-to-school transition for students with .

learning disabilities. In addition, spending some time learning new technologies before school starts means that more time will be available to focus on using the technology to complete assignments once school begins.

This post was taken from the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD). For more information on study tips, and the use of technology visit the NCLD web page at www.ncld.org.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved back to school shopping and look forward to it each year.